#friendsofwilliamwalker Breed Profile Magyar Vizsla

Vizsla Puppy - Breed Profile Magyar Vizsla

What exactly does "dog breed" mean?

A dog breed is a specific and distinguishable breeding of a domestic dog. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) currently has about 370 different dog breeds listed and thus recognized. The cynological umbrella organization assigns the dog breeds to different groups and sections based on their appearance and nature. There are 10 FCI groups, including FCI Group 1: Herding Dogs & Cattle Dogs or FCI Group 3: Terriers.

Which dog breed fits me?

To deal with the different dog breeds is important for us humans, especially if we want to welcome a four-legged friend. Which dog is right for me? This is the all-important question when buying a dog. It does not always have to be a purebred animal, because even in the case of mixed breeds from the shelter, the various breed combinations give us information about whether the dog will be very large, for example, or possibly has a hunting instinct. Ultimately, however, it is not only the breed and its characteristics that determine the development and behavior of the four-legged friend, but also the upbringing and socialization.

The Vizsla, a Hungarian pointing dog - profile

Magyar Vizsla breed profile

  • Weight: 18 - 30 kg
  • Height (Shoulder): 50 - 65 cm
  • Ø Life expectancy: 12 - 15 years
  • Fur Color: Golden, Cognac, Reddish
  • Breed assignment: FCI Group 7 - Pointing dogs

History and origin of the Vizsla:

The roots of the Magyar Vizsla lie in Central Europe, in Hungary. According to lore, the ancestors of the Hungarian dog breed came to Europe in the 14th century with migrating tribes, the Magyars. Over the years, the Vizsla developed into a popular hunting and pointing dog. When pointing, the clever dogs sniff out the prey and point their bodies in the direction where they suspect the prey is. In doing so, they assume a stature-like posture. The Magyar Vizsla has enjoyed increasing popularity in recent years, especially in Europe, and is now one of the most popular 30 dog breeds.

Since the Vizsla has already become a real trend dog and is therefore bred particularly intensively, one should be aware of the issue of torture breeding in this breed as well.

Character and nature of the Magyar Vizsla:

The Vizsla is a good-natured and friendly companion - for people as well as other dogs. He is very active, smart and is a perfect candidate for dog sports and agility training. When not fully exercised, the Vizsla is especially prone to chewing on shoes, wires, or other objects. He needs to be close to his human or family. At the same time, he is delicate and sensitive and therefore well suited for a household with children. Especially as a young dog, he can sometimes be very stubborn and occasionally refuses commands by hyperactive skip actions.

Attitude - a Magyar Viszla needs exercise and mental challenges:

The Vizsla is the perfect dog for athletic people. Just as important as exercise for the Magyar Vizsla is purposeful rest. He tends to be the type of dog that will run wild until he falls over if you don't stop him. Generally, a dog of this size should be kept in an apartment or a house with a garden. However, as with most dogs, the more outdoor time a dog gets each day, the more likely he is to be able to be kept in smaller homes. At home, he can be kept wonderfully busy with intelligence games - he loves a mental challenge. Companionship is very important to him and intense cuddling and petting should not be lacking with this cute pelt-nose. He feels most comfortable in the circle of his family.

Fashion Tip/Size Recommendation for the Magyar Vizsla:

The Vizsla has beautiful, short fur, on which fancy collars are very recognizable. Bright colors come into their own especially well here. Our Dog Collar Ocean, with matching color leash, poop bag dispenser and treat pouch, looks stunning on the Magyar Vizsla's shiny coat. We recommend size L for the Vizsla, with an average neck circumference of 45-50 cm. If you are particularly fashionable when it comes to dog accessories, you should definitely take a look at our scarf collection.

Vizsla Puppy breed profile

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