WW Moments

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William Walker - Im tierischen Traumland - Was und wie träumen Hunde?

Inside Animal Dreamland - What and how do dogs dream?

Why you should not wake sleeping dogs? Exactly! Because you might just tear them out of their most beautiful dreams, because in fact dogs dream too! Scientists have been able to prove on the basi...

#wwmomentsHund im Tierheim

Cuddling for good cause - 5 tips how you can get involved in the animal shelter

Life is beautiful - but we at William Walker are sure that it's even more beautiful with a dog by your side. A partner in crime who absolutely has what it takes to be your "Best Friend". He's loy...

#wwmomentsWilliamWalker Babyboom - so gelingt das Zusammenleben mit Baby und Hund

Baby boom - how to successfully live together with baby and dog

Baby and Dog - By following these 2 steps, your dog and your newborn will become a real dream team Just a moment ago he was "the kid in the house" and suddenly a new member enters the pack - ...

#wwmomentsWilliam Walker Rottweiler

#friendsofwilliamwalker - Breed Profile Rottweiler

What exactly does "dog breed" mean? A dog breed is a specific and distinguishable breeding of a domestic dog. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) currently has about 370 different dog b...

#wwmomentsWilliam Walker Peppermint Halsband und Pudel

#friendsofwilliamwalker - Breed Profile Poodle

What exactly does "dog breed" mean? A dog breed is a specific and distinguishable breeding of a domestic dog. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) currently has about 370 different dog b...

#wwmomentsSea Salt Hundeleine Hundehalsband

Dog and summer heat - how to protect your dog on hot summer days

Dog days - the term alone can sometimes bring drops of sweat to our foreheads. Dog days, that is a series of particularly hot days in the summer, and generally meant the period from July 23 to Aug...