The photo of the month #04 (April) is by Frieda (@frieda_the_frenchie) Send us your photos, tag us or use #wwmoments to get into the monthly selection. Maya is wearing our Set Hanseatic.
FAQ: COVID-19 and my dog - What's right now?
In diesem FAQ wollen wir Klarheit zu diversen Fragen rund um COVID 19 und unsere Hunde bringen.
William Walker’s 5 favourite dog movies
For some time now, everything has changed. The streets are empty, the Italian on the corner has closed the pizza oven and even in the best weather people are urged to stay at home! In fact, this is...
Photo Shooting at the Dog Beach
Photo series @elcarlosylalou // Photo shooting at the Elbe Together with Louisa and her Continental Bulldog Carlos (@elcarlosylalou) we went to the beautiful Elbe beach in Blankenese in the w...
From now on we will publish a photo on our blog every month. Our first photo of the month is by @lovely.princess_dalmatian.maya Send us your photos, tag us or use #wwmoments to get into ...
Dear dog lovers, the coronavirus has definitely put us all in a pretty tight spot. We are encouraged to spend as much time at home as possible. Therefore, meeting other dog owners or attending dog...